Supporting international cooperation initiatives, especially towards Africa, led by Yvelines stakeholders: local authorities, associations, schools, businesses.
(Updated on 03/02/2023)

In short

Public development organization
Target audience
Supports projects in steps
Diaspora priority
No criteria
Target country
Activity sectors
Agriculture and agri-food
Commerce and handicrafts
Finance and assurance
Green tech/ Environmental and urban services
Human services, health
Business services, engineering, consulting
Green tech/ Environmental and urban services
Transport, logistics
Information and Communication Technologies/ Media
Legal status
Economic Interest Grouping


Yvelines Coopération internationale et développement (YCID) is a network formed in 2015 upon the initiative of the Yvelines Department. It has nearly 400 members in 2022 (associations, local authorities, public establishments and businesses), including a large number of structures from the African diasporas in Yvelines. It is open to all Yvelines stakeholders involved in international cooperation, whether it be development aid or economic cooperation:  

  • Support for entrepreneurship via the "YADEC" honorary loan fund;
  • Assistance for the recruitment of trainees thanks to the 2EA grant;
  • Individualised support for the implementation of projects.

 YCID has privileged relations with institutional stakeholders in Senegal, including the DER/FJ, ADEPME and FONGIP. YCID maintains very close links with the diasporas of Yvelines, particularly African ones. A majority of our members are structures made up of diaspora members who remain very active both in the network life and as project leaders. The YADEC honorary loan fund is open to all Yvelines residents.


YCID is not a sectoral organization. The YADEC Fund does not target a particular sector but remains attentive to the impact of the project on the inclusive and sustainable development of the African continent (local value creation, job creation, social and environmental impact, etc.).
Financing strategy
Preparation for fundraising
Diagnosis and business model
Business plan and implementation plan
Organization, recruitment support
Technical and financial support
Les critères d’éligibilité applicables au demandeur sont les suivants :
- Être une personne morale (micro entreprise ou société) domiciliée dans les Yvelines, membre ou en cours d’adhésion au réseau YCID ;
- Avoir créé son activité depuis moins de 5 ans ;
- Porter un projet créateur d’emploi en Afrique (minimum de 3 équivalents temps plein prévisionnels) ;
- Être résident(e) yvelinois(e) et de nationalité française (sauf cas d’un projet cofinancé par une institution locale partenaire d’YCID);
- N’avoir pas d’autre prêt en instance au titre du présent fonds ;
- Avoir fourni un dossier administratif complet.

Contact us

2 place André Mignot78000VersaillesFrance
2 place André Mignot
78000 Versailles
2 place André Mignot
78000 Versailles


Content reserved for members of the Bridge Africa Hub